Last updated: 18-07-2024
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This guide covers the usage and the features of the SONAR application. Professionals and power-users will find more info about the full capabilities of SONAR in the avanced section.

Basic help

A single search field combines all search terms and provides a list of results sorted by relevance. These can then be filtered using facets.

For more advanced search examples, see Search documents

Search tips

Symbol Description Example Effect
* Truncation uni* will search for resources containing "university", "universal", "unilateral" etc.
+ Boolean operator AND mountain + biology will search for resources containing "mountain" and also "biology"
| Boolean operator OR study | analysis will search for resources containing either "study", or "analysis"
- Boolean operator NOT confederation -swiss will search for resources containing "confederation" but not "swiss"
() Brackets, to combine operators physics + (study | analysis) will search for resources containing "physics" and either "study", or "analysis"
"" Exact expression "human resources" will search for resources containing the exact expression "human resources"

Facets allow you to filter the results according to different criteria such as: document type, affiliation, author, subject, etc. With one click, facets can filter out thousands of irrelevant results.

Facets can be combined: selecting multiple facets will refine your query and filter the list of results.

The “Search in full-text” button allows you to search not only in the metadata of documents, but also in their textual content, when they are available in digital format.

Detailed view of a document

To view detailed information about a document, click on its title in the search results.

  • This page displays the document metadata: title, type, authors, abstracts, identifiers, etc.
  • You can view () or download () the files attached to a document.

Advanced help

First steps

  1. What is SONAR
  2. Basic principles
  3. Search documents

Managing deposits-documents

  1. Deposit a document
  2. Submission and validation process
  3. Manage documents
  4. List of document fields (metadata)
  5. File management


  1. Organisation
  2. Users
  3. Collections
  4. Subdivisions


  1. REST API endpoints
  2. OAI-PMH