This type hierarchy matches the COAR Resource type vocabulary (V3), with the addition of a few types, which are marked with an asterisk (*).
- book (coar:c_2f33)
- book part (coar:c_3248)
- book review (coar:c_ba08)
- conference output (coar:c_c94f)
- conference paper (coar:c_5794)
- conference paper not in proceedings (coar:c_18cp)
- conference poster (coar:c_6670)
- conference poster not in proceedings (coar:c_18co)
- conference presentation (coar:R60J-J5BD)
- conference proceedings (coar:c_f744)
- dataset (coar:c_ddb1)
- contribution to journal (coar:c_3e5a) - V2 of the COAR vocabulary
- data paper (coar:c_beb9)
- journal article (coar:c_6501)
- newspaper article (coar:c_998f)
- review article (coar:c_dcae04bc)
- lecture (coar:c_8544)
- non-textual object*
- moving image (coar:c_8a7e)
- still image (coar:c_ecc8)
- cartographic material (coar:c_12cc)
- sound (coar:c_18cc)
- musical notation (coar:c_18cw)
- software (coar:c_5ce6)
- patent (coar:c_15cd)
- periodical (coar:c_2659) - V2 of the COAR vocabulary
- journal (coar:c_0640)
- magazine (coar:c_2cd9)
- newspaper (coar:c_2fe3)
- preprint (coar:c_816b)
- report (coar:c_93fc)
- internal report (coar:c_18ww) - V2 of the COAR vocabulary
- memorandum (coar:c_18wz)
- other type of report (coar:c_18wq) - V2 of the COAR vocabulary
- policy report (coar:c_186u)
- project deliverable (coar:c_18op)
- report part (coar:c_ba1f) - V2 of the COAR vocabulary
- report to funding agency (coar:c_18hj) - V2 of the COAR vocabulary
- research report (coar:c_18ws)
- technical report (coar:c_18gh)
- thesis (coar:c_46ec)
- bachelor thesis (coar:c_7a1f)
- doctoral thesis (coar:c_db06)
- master thesis (coar:c_bdcc)
- habilitation thesis*
- advanced studies thesis*
- other thesis*
- working paper (coar:c_8042)
- other (coar:c_1843)