Doctoral thesis

Perspectives on the measurement problem : perspectives from the measurement problem


147 p

Thèse de doctorat: Università della Svizzera italiana, 2020

English In quantum mechanics, the measurement problem is commonly regarded as reason for deep concern. It seems that, either, the problem can be solved and there is hope for quantum mechanics, or the theory better be left behind in search of another one. We investigate the prospect of finding a solution to the measurement problem—within quantum mechanics, as well as in theoretical frameworks beyond it. As we do so, there emerges a perspective on doing physics drawing from considerations in the philosophy of language and in epistemology. Developing this perspective for further aspects in physics reveals: The notion of a system is similarly problematic. Eventually, the question arises whether these are problems of specific physical theories, or rather of specific stances towards physics. In this regard, we examine in particular the role and understanding of assumptions.
  • English
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