The inferential configuration of arguments : the Argumentum Model of Topics
Greco, Sara
Istituto di argomentazione, linguistica e semiotica (IALS), Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
Rigotti, Eddo
Istituto di argomentazione, linguistica e semiotica (IALS), Facoltà di comunicazione, cultura e società, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
Published in:
- Inference in argumentation: a topics-based approach to argument schemes. - Springer. - 2019, vol. 34, p. 207-245
In this chapter, our proposal for the analysis of argument schemes as based on the tradition of topoi-loci called the Argumentum Model of Topics (AMT) is presented (first introduced in Rigotti and Greco 2006). We explain how the AMT represents the inferential configuration of arguments and discuss innovative aspects of the model in relation to other contemporary accounts. After having outlined the main features of the AMT as a model to analyze single argumentation, we explain how the analysis of complex argumentation can be approached through this model and discuss the advantages of the combination of different AMT analyses to explain how different arguments are combined within complex argumentation structures. Some concrete examples of analyses are provided to illustrate the model.
Language, linguistics
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