Journal article

Types of arguments in parents-children discussions : an argumentative analysis

  • Bova, Antonio Istituto di argomentazione, linguistica e semiotica (IALS), Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
  • Arcidiacono, Francesco University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Published in:
  • Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata/Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics / Serra, Fabrizio. - 2014, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 43-66
English This study aims to single out the argumentative strategies most frequently used by parents to convince their children to accept their rules and prescriptions at mealtimes. The results of thestudy show that parents mostly put forward arguments based on the quality and quantity of food to persuade their childern to eat. Less frequently, the parents put forward other types of arguments such as the appeal to consistency, the arguments from expert opinion, and the argument from analogy. While the former can be defined as " food-bound", because through these arguments parents and children highlight a specific propriety (positive/negative) of food, the latters are mostly used in discussions related to teaching correct table-manner and how to behave with strangers and peers outside the family context.
  • English
Information, communication and media sciences
License undefined
  • RERO DOC 209746
  • ARK ark:/12658/srd1318640
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