Essays on the collaboration among humanitarian organizations : with special reference to supply chain and operations management issues
132 p
Thèse de doctorat: Università della Svizzera italiana, 2013
The dissertation consists of three papers representing an early attempt to explore conceptually and empirically the collaboration in a humanitarian setting. The contribution of the thesis is threefold: first, it frames the discussion on collaboration in a humanitarian setting, and reviews the collaboration initiatives in practice among international humanitarian actors. Second, it investigates the academic research studying the horizontal collaboration in humanitarian operations and identifies four categories of factors - external factors, factors associated with donor’s role, inter- organizational factors and organizational factors - influencing collaboration among international HOs. Finally, building on the evidence from practitioners’ reports, academic literature on collaboration within humanitarian sector and the insights from inter-organizational relationship theories, it proposes and tests a theoretical model of the factors influencing collaboration performance among international humanitarian NGOs. The study suggests that commitment and trust are key drivers of collaboration performance among international humanitarian NGOs. Moreover, long term orientation, resource complementarity, coordination capability and relational capability are antecedent factors influencing collaborative performance through their effect on mutual trust, reciprocal commitment and relationship specific investment.
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