Journal article

Do journalists' opinions affect news selection in a low-key conflict? : Newspaper coverage of the discussion of smoking bans in Switzerland

  • Schulz, Peter J. Institute of Communication and Health (ICH), Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
  • Hartung, Uwe Institute of Communication and Health (ICH), Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
  • Fiordelli, Maddalena Institute of Communication and Health (ICH), Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
Published in:
  • Journalism and mass communication quarterly. - Association for education in journalism and mass communication. - 2012, vol. 89, no. 3, p. 414-430
English This quantitative content analysis applies the theory of instrumental actualization to Swiss newspaper coverage of smoking bans in public places. The theory holds that journalists' opinions affect news selection; it is studied here for the weighting and evaluation of arguments in news stories. The editorial stance of newspapers was related to the weighting of argumentative fields and the frequency of contradiction of different standpoints. Therefore, elements of both a dialectical (papers of different stance explicitly contradicting one another) and a rhetorical (papers of different stance speaking of different matters) model of discourse were found.
  • English
Information, communication and media sciences
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  • RERO DOC 29718
  • ARK ark:/12658/srd1318431
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