Journal article

Mehrsprachigkeit im universitären Kontext : der Fall Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

Published in:
  • Bullettin VALS-ALSA. - Associazione svizzera di linguistica applicata. - 2010, vol. No. spécial, no. 2, p. 53-70
English This contribution is part of a doctoral project that investigates communicative practices in the institutional context of a multilingual university, specifically the Università della Svizzera italiana USI. The aim is to sketch a map of interactions and communication flows onto which the different communicative phenomena can be projected. The linguistic repertoire constitutes an important component of the equipment of every communication flow. In the research tradition if multilingual studies (e.g. Grosjean, 1985, 2004; Lüdi & Py, 2002; Franceschini, 1998), the repertoire of a multilingual individual is seen as a complex whole and the activation of one or more components of the repertoire is determined by context requirements. In order to show in which way context influences the activation of repertoire components, two interaction phases are analyzed by outlining the shaping of multilingual communicative practices and by considering them in relation to the institutional dimension (mission, commitments, genres and specific inference structures) as well as with regard to the interpersonal dimension of the context (personal and communal common ground). According to the activity type, these contextual dimensions have different impacts on communicative practices, especially on language choice.
  • German
Language, linguistics
License undefined
Open access status
  • RERO DOC 22541
  • ARK ark:/12658/srd1318331
Persistent URL

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