Doctoral thesis

Occupational gender segregation and gender wage gap in Switzerland


104 p

Thèse de doctorat: Università della Svizzera italiana, 2007 (jury note: summa cum laude)

English Traditionally, the gender wage gap has been explained by gender differences in the level of human capital (observed gender wage gap) and by discriminatory forces in the labour market (unobserved gender wage gap). One candidate for explaining part of the unobserved gender wage gap is occupational segregation. In this dissertation we study the characteristics of horizontal and vertical occupational segregation, namely how the different occupational sectors and the different phases of the careers affect the wage of employees and how male and female differ in career opportunities. In the first part, we estimate a wage equation using the Heckman two-stage procedure to correct the problem of self-selection in the choice of occupations. In the second part, we use a binomial Probit model with random effects to predict the career stages and the earnings of men and women in a panel data set of Swiss workers for the years 1999-2003. We get new insights into the dynamic nature of the career development by studying the impact of some specific variables on the work mobility through job hierarchy.
  • English
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