
Determinants of outpatient antibiotic consumption in Europe : bacterial resistance and drug prescribers

  • Masiero, Giuliano Istituto microeconomia e economia pubblica (MecoP), Facoltà di scienze economiche, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
  • Filippini, Massimo Istituto microeconomia e economia pubblica (MecoP), Facoltà di scienze economiche, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera
  • Ferech, Matus Laboratory of Microbiology, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Goossens, Herman Laboratory of Microbiology, University of Antwerp, Belgium
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28 p

English This paper investigates socioeconomic determinants of outpatient antibiotic consumption in Europe. Comparable data on antibiotic use measured in the defined daily doses per 1000 inhabitants (DID) are currently provided by the ESAC project. Results from applied econometric estimations for panel data reveal a link between antibiotic use and the per capita income, the demographic structure of the population, the level of education and cultural aspects. Supplyside factors, such as the density of providers and their remuneration methods, are also considered. We provide the first estimate of the impact of bacterial resistance on consumption when the effect of other determinants is simultaneously taken into account.
  • English
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  • RERO DOC 7927
  • ARK ark:/12658/srd1318008
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