
Exploring the image of new world wine producers : website texts for wineries in Australia and New Zealand

  • Poncini, Gina Istituto per la comunicazione aziendale (ICA), Facoltà di scienze della comunicazione, Università della Svizzera italiana, Svizzera

39 p

English This article reports on a study investigating websites and brochures for wineries and wine regions in Australia and New Zealand. It is part of a wider study1 investigating written texts and intercultural interactions, mainly in English, with data originating in the food and wine industry in different countries, including Italy, the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. The present article focuses on evaluative language in website texts, exploring two interrelated issues. One issue concerns the kind of image that linguistic features help build up for wineries, wine regions, and Australia and New Zealand as New World wine producers, and the way they help build up this image. In seeking to shed light on implicit and explicit values underlying the texts, it gives attention to the aspects of local culture and natural elements most frequently included in the texts, and if or how European wine-making traditions, European immigration, and the indigenous culture are portrayed in the texts. A second issue has to do with the way shared knowledge is built up in the texts and the kind of shared knowledge readers are assumed to have about local elements (e.g. land and climate, traditions, wine-making processes and wines, local history).
  • English
Information, communication and media sciences
License undefined
Open access status
  • RERO DOC 5192
  • ARK ark:/12658/srd1317985
Persistent URL

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