File management

Last updated: 27-06-2024

The files attached to a document are managed from the document detailed view.

File fields

Field Description
Label Defines the label displayed below the file thumbnail. Examples: Full text, Main file, Table of contents, etc.
Position If there are multiple files, it defines the display order and can be changed manually.
Access Can be Open access (public), Embargoed access (public only form a specified date) or Restricted access (not public).
See also settings on the visiblity of the document.
Embargo date Defines from when the system should publicly display the file.
Access allowed from the organisation's IP addresses If enabled, the file with Embargoed access or Restricted access is shown on the public interface only to users from the IP addresses defined in the organisation settings and to authenticated users affiliated to the organisation.

File versions

It is possible to add new versions of a file. The previous versions are not displayed in the public interface, but can still be accessed in the professional interface by clicking on the button .

List of document types | Organisation