Release notes

Created: 27-06-2024 - Last updated: 27-06-2024

Release v1.10.1 January 2024

See the full changelog


  • Added the ability to search documents by identifier AND partial identifier with * wildcard (e.g. identifiers.local.text:(R003415*)).
  • Improved the search performance and features of the help module with page snippets.
  • Improved server monitoring.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed poor search performance.
  • Fixed a bug preventing to search in the full-text of documents.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented document thumbnail images to be displayed in the brief views.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented an admin to add an image to an organisation or a collection.
  • Fixed a bug that disabled the file preview button () if the uploaded file's name contained a period (.).
  • Fixed the button "Search in full-text" not being fully translated.


  • Updated the backend app to flask "^2.0.0"
  • Updated technical dependencies.

Update v1.9.0 September 2023

See the full changelog

New features

  • Added the ability to assign URN for documents through the DNB resolver and register the documents and files with the Swiss National Library for long-term archiving.
    • URN registration enabled for documents of type Doctoral thesis in USI and UNIFR organisations.
    • Files and documents with a URN cannot be deleted.
  • Added the ability for organisations to automatically assign ARK persistent identifiers to documents using their own Name Assigning Authority Number (NAAN)
    • The ARK identifiers are displayed in the interface and can serve as permalinks, using each organisation's resolver of choice for redirection.
  • The document API now allows to export data in Dublin Core format, with the suffix &format=dc.


  • It is now possible to search documents by identifier (DOI, ISBN, ARK, URN, etc.).
  • Added a new Open Access status Diamond: "Platinum/Diamond content is openly available to readers from the publisher's site. For Gold, fees have to be paid. For Platinum/Diamond no fees were paid."
  • Enhance the resolver for controlled affiliations to prevent some recognition errors.
    • CERN vs Lucerne
    • University of Freiburg =/= UNIFR
    • Use "University" instead of "Uni" in primary affiliations
    • Use Unidistance official name as primary affiliation "UniDistance Suisse"
    • Adds more recognized terms for HEP BEJUNE: University of Teacher Education BEJUNE, Pädagogische Hochschule BEJUNE, Alta Scuola Pedagogica BEJUNE

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the contributor roles being displayed in full lowercase.
  • Added some fields that were missing from the organisation detailed view: server name, platform name, allowed IPs, ARK NAAN.
  • Fixed various errors in the German translations.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented documents with multiple identifiers to be found by bucket (file) ID.
  • Fixed the base URL for ORCID OAuth login.
  • Fixed multiple vulnerabilites.


  • Updated frontend framework to Angular 14.
  • Updated technical dependencies.

Fix v1.8.2

See the full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Fixed OAI-PMH sets not being correctly harvested when documents contained special characters.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented controlledAffiliation to be correctly set when deleting an contributor's affiliation.
  • Deployment: fix docker image creation.

Fix v1.8.1

See the full changelog

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug That prevents public searches to be displayed correctly when not logged into an account.

Update v1.8.1 October 2022

See the full changelog

New features

  • Displays the number of downloads and views for the document and for the attached files, on the document detailed view.
  • Adds a new field relatedTo for documents.


  • Improvements in the deposit editor to facilitate the submitters' work:
    • Adds a placeholder for the identifier field, with an example DOI.
    • Adds a tooltip for the subdivision field.
    • Renames field subjects from Keywords to Subjects, in coherence with the document editor.
  • Optimisation of document indexation by Google Scholar, with dynamically generated sitemaps and display of the full abstract on detailed views.
  • The page footer now contains the software version number and the privacy policy for the SONAR service.
  • Contributors' names are now clickable and point to a list of all their documents.
  • Adds two new document types: Conference presentation (coar:R60J-J5BD) and Book review (coar:c_ba08).
  • Subdocument type for thesis "Other" has been renamed "Other thesis" for clarity.
  • Removes the preview area in the last step of a deposit.
  • Adaptation of the editors to a new version of the ng-core library.
  • OAI-PMH: Adds a direct link to the document's main file in oai_dc export.
  • Updates the help section (flask-wiki) to a new version v0.2.1.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the subfields numberingVolume and numberingIssues not appearing in partOf for document types where they should.
  • Fixed the partOf.document.contribution not appearing in the editor even if it contained data.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some organisations to submit resaearch projects.
  • The volume field in the deposit editor is now less strict, in coherence with its document editor counterpart.
  • Fixed an incorrect implementation that truncated values to maximum 50 characters in autocomplete lists.
  • Fixed a problem that prevented users in some organisations to login with Switch edu-ID.

Update v1.7.0 May 2022

See the full changelog


  • Improved the document detail view:
    • The following fields are now displayed: Notes, Content note, Edition statement, Series statement, Accompanying material, Other material characteristics.
    • Improved and completed the display of the field Contained in or submitted to.
    • Added a display distinction between contributors and conferences.
  • The mechanism that automatically identifies an author's affiliation can now recognise multiple affiliations from this field.
  • Improved the Dublin Core export (OAI-PMH) to include:
    • the link to the main file (in the second occurrence of dc:identifier).
    • the language attribute for dc:description, dc:title and dc:subject.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed thumbnails not generated for new deposited files.
  • The author's birth and death dates are now imported from Swisscovery and can be entered in the editor.
  • Fixed a server error that prevented documents with non-preferred abstract languages to be displayed.
  • Fixed images not displayed in the help pages when using an organisation viewcode.
  • Fixed the controlledAffiliation tooltip not being displayed in the administration interface (document detail view).
  • Updated various modules and dependencies.